SPARK 2022 (c) Sophia Hegewald

Symposium: Hoch- Sub- Indie

Positions of the music theatre in the cultural change

Alexis Ludwig, Charlotte Pfeifer, Pascal Fuhlbrügge, Frauke Meyer and Hannah Schmidt


11:00 – 15:00

Alte Feuerwache / Hall

Free admission

Contemporary music theatre is working on its visibility. For this reason, the two-part HKX symposium is dedicated to the question of how independent music theatre fits into the cultural landscape: does the genre see itself as a radical avant-garde or as an indie alternative to opera? Does music theatre locate its material close to the traditional educational canon or is the genre exploring new narrative territory? Are the productions more suited to the neighbourhood or the studio stage? In addition to music theatre makers, experts from other cultural fields will also be interviewed. The basis for discussion is the extent to which the cultural attributions of the different fields can be transferred to music theatre.

The first part of the symposium in Cologne will focus on cultural practice and discuss with activists and artists from the field of independent music theatre. The second part of the symposium in Hamburg will allow people from cultural research to have their say.


“Hoch- Sub- Indie” takes place as part of HKX Vol. 2, funded by the Fonds Darstellende Künste in the Network Funding Programme with funds from the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media.